Buccal Fat Pad Removal Before and After


Buccal fat pad removal is a popular surgical treatment to achieve a slimmer facial structure. It works best in patients who already possess naturally rounded faces and are in good health. Read the Best info about عمل بوکال فت.

This surgery is straightforward and typically includes a short recovery period; individuals typically resume everyday routines within two weeks post-surgery.

How Does It Work?

Buccal fat pad removal is an effective procedure that helps slim and define the face. Repair time after this procedure is actually minimal; patients can go back to their daily activities within a number of days.

Your current surgeon will make a small corte inside your mouth and delicately press on buccal fat pads to expose them, previous to cutting and extracting these individuals from your face – an entirely pain-free procedure taking solely minutes to perform.

Following your procedure, you must follow your doctor’s orders carefully. This may include only eating liquids for several days following and using special mouthwash to protect from infection. Ice packs should also be applied regularly in order to reduce pain and swelling.

Buccal fat removal could be proper for you if your cheeks have fullness due to genetics, age, or other factors. As with all surgeries, realistic expectations should be held. After buccal fat is eliminated, it won’t grow back; however, weight gain could mask results and bring fullness back.

How Long Does It Take?

Buccal fat removal is an in-office procedure that can usually be completed in under an hour. Before beginning, local anesthesia or light sedative may be administered to numb the cheek area, and once this has taken effect, a small incision will be made inside both mouths to expose buccal fat pads, which will be grasped with forceps before being extracted with dissolvable stitches (stitches). The incision will then be closed with dissolvable stitches (stitches).

Following your procedure, a liquid or soft food diet must be adhered to for several days, then gradually increase to solid foods. Swelling and bruising may occur after surgery but should slowly go away over time.

An ideal candidate for buccal fat removal would be any healthy adult looking to slim down the contours of their cheeks. Your surgeon will make a small raja inside your mouth and gently press on buccal body fat pads to expose them ahead of cutting and extracting them from your face – an utterly pain-free procedure taking exclusively minutes to perform.

Is It Painful?

Under local or sedation anesthesia, buccal fat pad removal should be as painless and comfortable as possible. Once numb, your surgeon will make a small incision inside your mouth before gently teasing out fat to achieve your desired facial contour and closing any incisions with dissolvable stitches.

Anesthesia allows most patients to undergo the procedure pain-free. After surgery, however, you may experience soreness or sensitivity in your mouth and cheeks, as well as some minor bruising that will last two or three weeks.

Though surgery can be safe and effective for most, it’s not appropriate for everyone. For optimal results, good skin elasticity is required; otherwise, a facelift might be more suitable. Furthermore, full results won’t become evident until several months post-surgery as swelling from the surgery subsides; then, your new facial contours become permanent – to achieve long-term success, patients must maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime in order to see longer-lasting effects from this procedure.

Is It Safe?

Many individuals are dissatisfied by the fullness or roundness of their lower face and cheeks, leading them to appear like “chipmunks” or with “baby faces.” This could be caused by an overly sizeable buccal fat pad sitting lateral to their oral cavity – surgical removal can create a slimming effect while simultaneously improving lower cheekbones to create an enhanced facial contour and enhance facial definition.

Experienced facial cosmetic surgeons can perform buccal fat pad removal safely. Most procedures take place under local anesthesia with sedation to help relax patients during treatment, while recovery from buccal fat pad removal tends to be quicker than with traditional facelift or neck lift techniques – most patients return to their daily activities within approximately one week after surgery.

Swelling, pain, bruising, and tenderness are joint in the first few days after surgery. To promote healing and reduce discomfort, it is advised that patients eat only soft or liquid foods during these initial days. It is also essential to avoid smoking and any medication that increases bleeding risks and follow post-op care instructions as per instructions given by medical providers.

How Much Will It Cost?

Buccal fat removal is an inexpensive cosmetic procedure; however, as with any surgical treatment, it will require recovery time and may cause tenderness, swelling, and bruising, which are all side effects associated with buccal fat pad reduction. As necessary, you can take painkillers to alleviate discomfort and inflammation.

Bichat’s fat pads (or buccal fat pads) contribute to fullness or roundness in the cheeks and upper face that many find undesirable, as well as prevent the creation of more defined facial contours. Luckily, however, these fat pads can be removed with buccal lipectomy surgery or cheek-thinning procedures.

As part of an outpatient procedure, surgeons use small incisions in the inner cheek to access buccal fat pads and remove desired quantities of fat. After surgery, dissolvable sutures will close all incisions before you are advised to consume soft and liquid foods until your incisions heal completely – however, weight gain could result in returning fat pads, which could alter or negate results achieved through this surgery.

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