Crown Flower


The crown flower thrives when given enough water. However, their water needs can change with each season – for instance, in summer, it is necessary to water this plant more regularly than usual.

Crown Flowers (arka or madar) are one of five plants used to worship Hanuman and Shiva. Their beautiful blooms are appealing, and their butterfly-attracting properties make them an effective means for drawing people in closer.

Native to southeastern Asia

Crown Flower (Calotropis gigantea) is an evergreen perennial that thrives throughout southeastern Asia and features beautiful lilac-colored flowers on silver leaves, making an attractive host plant for monarch butterflies in Hawaii and overwintering well in colder climates alike. Additionally, this attractive houseplant makes a beautiful garden ornamental.

Crown flowers require less water than most plants do, yet still need regular moisture to thrive. Observing the soil is a good way of knowing when it’s time to water; an easy rule of thumb would be to wait until two to four inches have dried out before watering again.

Crown Flower plants don’t typically need more than two or three hours of direct sunlight daily. Their watering needs can change according to season; during hotter summer months, for instance, you may need to water more often.

Southeastern Asia is one of 25 global biodiversity hotspots, boasting an array of unique plant species. This region is distinguished by mountain ranges, plains, plateaus, and extensive rivers and drainage systems; culture and art in Southeastern Asian societies include an intricate tradition of sculpture that often portrays local ancestors or fearsome supernatural guardians.

Flowers are used to make leis.

Leis are traditional Hawaiian gifts consisting of necklaces made up of flowers, shells, leaves, and feathers that are given as presents to celebrate an event or show one’s respect. Leis can serve as a symbol of aloha that unifies people across cultures – the interwoven strands symbolize strength and togetherness.

An elegant lei made with flowers like the hibiscus is an excellent way to commemorate a graduate, lasting long and looking beautiful at the same time. Orchids also make a perfect selection due to their versatility in color options and durability; carnations make an inexpensive and diverse choice with various hues.

Start by gathering your materials. A lei requires strips of crepe paper (20 long and two wide) and an appropriate needle such as dental floss or fishing line – although special lei needles work best. Fold the strips accordion-style after gathering your materials.

Be mindful when stringing a lei of crown flowers that their leaves and stems contain a milky sap that contains poison. Contact with this sap can result in crown flower keratitis, which causes eye pain, an unpleasant taste in your mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, tetanic convulsions, or even death.

It is poisonous

When eaten, crown flowers can be hazardous to birds; their toxic chemicals include cardiac glycosides, calotropin, uscharin, and calotoxin, which can damage both the heart and kidneys and lead to death. Furthermore, ingestion causes severe gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, and vomiting, with possible blindness from contacting its sap.

Like other members of the Euphorbia genus, crown flowers are pollinated by insects. With its distinctive “crown”-shaped petals and five nectar-seeking bees and butterflies that feed off nectar-seeking bees and butterflies for nectar, crown flowers attract pollen-transferring bees and butterflies, which then transfer it from flower to flower via pollen transference. Their fruit is an inflated pod covered in green fuzz containing numerous seeds, typically removed before maturity to prevent seed dispersion.

Crown Flower plants are tropical perennials that thrive best in consistently warm conditions year-round. While it can grow as houseplants in the United States, consistent warmth is necessary for their success – colder temperatures could result in leaves dropping off or blooms falling off altogether.

Watering indoor crown flowers regularly is essential. This is especially true during their initial seedling or transplanting phase. Furthermore, regular irrigation should continue when they reach the flowering or fruiting stage – you can use an online garden watering calculator like Greg to get tailored advice based on your growing conditions.

It is invasive

Crown Flower is an invasive non-native plant that threatens natural ecosystems significantly. The plants contain toxic compounds that may lead to severe illness or even death when consumed by humans or animals and sap that irritates skin and causes dermatitis. Furthermore, eating crown flower seeds can result in severe vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal distress, weakness and nausea, shock, or even death in extreme cases of internal poisoning.

Flowers of this species feature striking pinkish-purple and white hues clustered at the ends of long stalks in notable circular clusters. Each bloom features three distinctive structures known as standard, wings, and keel to help form its unique, symmetrical form; when disturbed, however, it releases milky liquid oozes out from its stems.

This trailing legume spreads rapidly and outcompetes native species in disturbed environments like roadsides, agricultural fields, and floodplains. Once established, it becomes hard to remove. Once established it can alter fire behavior and native ecosystems by creating dense monocultures of its roots, which cover trees, shrubs, and grasses; additionally, it covers dunes, forest edges, and gravel bars along streams.

To effectively control crown flowers, the key is keeping their soil consistently moist. This is particularly crucial during spring and fall when new shoots and blooms need to form; watering once every two weeks should suffice during these seasons.