Colonial Houses for Sale


Colonial houses for sale are increasingly sought-after due to their history. Dating back over 300 years, these spacious properties provide ample room for family living.

These homes usually feature two-storied designs with symmetrical windows with shutters. Additionally, these homes often boast side-gabled roofs.

Colonial homes typically feature a central hallway lined with rooms on either side, such as kitchens, living areas, and bedrooms.


Colonial houses for sale can often be more cost-effective to construct than other styles of residences, with their straightforward rectangular shape and symmetrical windows and doors making construction simpler and maintenance costs lower. Plus, most have large front and back porches to increase value.

Many builders of Colonial homes opt for classic materials like wood or clapboard siding in order to preserve their historic charm while making them more desirable among potential buyers. Modern homeowners can select from an assortment of siding styles when building colonial homes of their own.

Homeowners looking to modernize their colonial house for sale can easily do so by installing smart home features and updating flooring – for instance, incorporating sustainable cork or engineered hardwood as sustainable options may add further appeal to a Colonial house for sale. A fresh coat of paint may also help revitalize its exterior appearance.

Colonial houses for sale offer another cost-cutting benefit with their compartmentalized floor plans. Unlike many contemporary homes, colonial homes tend to feature separate living and dining rooms, which help retain heat in winter while still providing privacy between family members. Furthermore, many have spacious attics which can be converted into playrooms or movie theaters if desired.

Colonial homes feature an accessible design that makes customization simple, and while they might not offer as much flexibility as ranch houses, they make great options for saving money when building their dream home.

When buying a Colonial house, it’s essential to carefully consider all costs associated with purchasing and maintaining such property. Before beginning your search for one, getting pre-approved for a mortgage will allow you to find one within your budget; being pre-approved also gives an idea of what your future payments might look like so that planning becomes simpler; furthermore, it allows you to get moving quicker on finding your dream home!

Easy to Build

Colonial houses are known for being relatively straightforward to build, which accounts for their popularity over hundreds of years despite not being as extravagant in design as some architectural styles. A colonial home typically features symmetrical windows with a central chimney bookending its facade, as well as either a side-gable roof or decorative dormer features to complete its appearance.

Colonial homes typically feature two stories, making them the ideal option for large families. The kitchen and living area usually reside on the main level, while bedrooms can be found upstairs. While this arrangement may suit large families well, people with mobility issues may find the two-story design challenging to negotiate daily. Furthermore, colonial houses tend to feature low ceilings similar to craftsman-style homes – this was designed so early settlers could construct them more efficiently.

Colonial houses for sale are highly sought-after homes that are available across the nation. Some feature clapboard siding, while others may have painted or brick facades. Set in picturesque settings, colonial homes make an excellent option for anyone seeking traditional living conditions.

As soon as you’re ready to search for a colonial house for sale, you must understand that they often come at a higher price point than other forms of housing in most markets. But with today’s robust real estate markets in many regions and plenty of great bargains out there on these beautiful properties – you may find one with your perfect set-up!

Before making a purchase, it is advisable to speak to a real estate agent and discuss your needs and wants in depth. They can assist in helping you locate a house within your budget that also gets preapproved for a mortgage so you can maximize your purchasing power.

Simple Layout

Colonial houses draw inspiration from architectural styles prevalent during America’s colonial settlements, which ranged from windswept New England coastlines to steamy Florida swamps. Regional climate and immigration patterns led to distinctive variations of colonial design across all three regions – Spanish colonial house plans were among them!

Colonial homes typically feature rectangular shapes, often featuring minimal details and often featuring doors in the center of the front facade and balanced windows arranged around them. A second story usually follows suit, while clapboard siding or brick can cover their exteriors.

Within, guests typically enter through a central door into a foyer with an angled staircase leading upstairs. Off to one side lies the dining or living area, while double doors may lead into a study or private room. Due to its simple layout, adding modern smart home features like energy-saving appliances and LED lights is simple – as is updating flooring materials such as cork for a contemporary feel.

Colonial houses differ from other house types by not typically featuring high ceilings and open floor plans, which was an intentional choice by colonists to maximize space while protecting privacy and security. Unfortunately, this can limit natural lighting entering a room and make the home seem smaller; its absence also means navigating stairs could prove challenging for individuals with mobility challenges or older people living alone.

Colonial-style homes don’t feature the interior flamboyance seen in Georgian or Tudor home designs. Instead, their simple geometry and restrained landscaping highlight their refined appearance; colonial gardens often utilize geometric arrangements of shrubs to create a balanced, elegant aesthetic to match their exterior surroundings.

Living in a colonial house can be a delightful experience, but you must understand its history before purchasing one. Older colonial homes may require special maintenance in order to preserve original elements, such as wooden foundations and roofs that may need periodic repair or replacement; additionally, energy costs could skyrocket, or costly renovations may arise later down the line; nonetheless, if you are willing to make this investment into older properties then colonials could provide the ideal space to raise a family or pursue your professional aspirations!

Decorative Entryways

Colonial house entries tend to feature more elaborate decorations than their minimalist facade, featuring double-hung multi-pane windows with decorative crown or porch trim and fanlight windows for dramatic flair. Pediments over entranceways often extend out into two-story porches. Other decorative touches may include wrought iron gates, columns, and moldings, as well as muntins on windows that were often decorated using sponge painting techniques.

Colonial homes feature the exact symmetry in both their exteriors and interiors, featuring a central hallway with rooms on either side arranged symmetrically around it. Living rooms and dining rooms tend to be at the front, while kitchen and family areas tend to be located towards the back. Bedrooms tend to be situated upstairs, while spacious attics may also be converted into additional space.

As these homes were constructed before central heating became widespread, fireplaces are an integral feature. There’s usually one large fireplace centered in the home’s center, as well as two smaller ones on either side for symmetry purposes (or, more commonly, both). Furthermore, colonial-style houses may feature dormer windows on their roofs for an authentic appearance.

Colonial houses are an increasingly popular style of home throughout the United States, and buyers looking for this type of dwelling have several choices available to them when deciding to buy this type of structure. French Colonial houses tend to be popular among buyers in warmer areas, while Spanish Colonial homes can be found across more northern regions – both styles offer distinctive features sure to delight potential purchasers.

If you’re considering purchasing a Colonial-style home, speaking with a Real Estate agent about your needs and preferences can help ensure you find a house that best fits the needs of you and your family.

Colonial-style homes have been around for centuries and remain as popular today as they ever were. Their distinct design and exquisite details make them an excellent choice for many buyers, and there are options to fit every lifestyle.